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Dit zegt je sterrenbeeld over je carrière

Weten welke baan bij jou past? Lees de carrièrehoroscoop. Dit staat er in de sterren.

Door Evie Lukassen
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Edward Berthelot/Getty Images

Of je nu al jaren dezelfde baan hebt of pas net komt kijken in het werkende leven: het kan nooit kwaad om voor advies de sterren te raadplegen. Zweverig gedoe? Misschien wel, maar het kan maar zo dat je ineens tot heldere inzichten komt. Dus zoek snel je sterrenbeeld op en lees niet alleen hoe jij je gedraagt op de werkvloer volgens de sterren, maar ook welke baan eigenlijk het beste bij je past.

Met deze opleidingen is je baankans het hoogst >

Deze baan past bij je sterrenbeeld

Ram (21 maart 21 - 19 april)

<p>Aries are natural born leaders, and as such they have an easy time translating that authority into becoming one badass boss. But heads up: You're not the best at working <i>for </i>a boss, as you can become irritated by micromanagement and restriction. Don't worry, Aries—you'll rise to the top in no time…that is, if you make sure to finish what your start. Possessing strong interpersonal skills is important for you, since follow-through isn't your forte," says Fox. "You tend to start lots of projects, but you don't actually finish many of them on your own. That's where a good, supportive team of friends or colleagues comes in: They can take your bold ideas and run with them."</p>    <p><strong>Ideal careers:</strong> Anything having to do with competition or physicality is right up your alley. Think: outdoor guide, personal trainer, athlete, or working for a sports organization. And, as mentioned before, a CEO or other management professional isn't far off—you like being in control, and do best when you can offer your insight to a support team to execute. </p>
Design by Katja Cho

Een Ram is een geboren leider. De Ram floreert in een functie waar ze voldoende autonomie en onafhankelijkheid ervaart. De Ram wil zich niet beperkt voelen door anderen, maar dat betekent niet dat zij niet graag met mensen werkt. In tegendeel: de Ram wordt het gelukkigst wanneer ze de leiding kan nemen in het helpen van andere mensen.

Ideale baan: coach.

Met deze gewoontes sluiten succesvolle mensen hun dag af >

Stier (20 april - 20 mei)

<p>As a worker, Taurus employees are grounded and practical, making them ideal in the workplace as they can maneuver from leader to follower in any situation. You're more naturally inclined to lead, however, but more by example—your hard work and dedication make you a great team player, though your stubborn nature can be a little off-putting, so you'll need to pick your battles when it comes to projects and conflicts on the job.</p>    <p><strong>Ideal careers: </strong>One of the most dependable and hardworking signs, you'll thrive in an environment that rewards tenacity and dedication. Jobs like flower arranging, food industry jobs, or luxury sales provide the two things Taurus value most—beautiful things and a steady routine. Taurus is also (no surprise here) great with money and practical financial advice, making them ideal for banking and finance careers. </p>
Design by Katja Cho

De Stier is praktisch, behulpzaam en down to earth. Met haar kalme, nuchtere houding is de Stier goed in staat moeilijke conflicten op te lossen. Ook al staat de Stier met beide benen op de grond, dit betekent niet dat ze niet kan genieten. De Stier houdt juist van mooie dingen als bloemen, boeken of goede wijnen.

Ideale baan: verkoper.

Tweelingen (21 mei - 20 juni)

<p>Geminis thrive in fast-paced, stimulating environments that offer them variety and the chance to interact with many different things—whether that's people, applications, environments—you get the gist. You can quickly move through anything at rapid speed, but beware: this also means you can get bored, and quickly, if not given a diverse task list.  Just make sure you don't fall into a tedious work environment, and you'll be happy.</p>    <p><strong>Ideal careers: </strong>Anything that requires relaying information and keeping up with tons of different topics is an ideal career path for Gemini, so teaching and communications are perfect for you. You're mentally active and love to process a lot of different aspects of a project, so being a go-between of sorts would also work well—think PR and publicity or project manager. </p>
Design by Katja Cho

Tweelingen houden van afwisseling. Ze gedijen dan ook het beste in een snelle, stimulerende werkomgeving, anders raken ze al snel verveeld. Daarnaast houden Tweelingen ervan om met mensen om te gaan en hierdoor zijn ze communicatief ook nog eens heel sterk.

Ideale baan: journalist.

Verveeld op je werk? Pas op voor een bore-out >

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Kreeft (21 juni - 22 juli)

<p>Cancers are the most traditional, nurturing sign of the zodiac, so they like to lead by example and can handle responsibility with ease. You are, by definition, a caretaker—so any job that lets you give advice and problem solve to make everyone happy is a great one. You don't do well in careers where you can't see your work making a difference or getting results—whether that's with a person or in the bottom line—so make sure you're getting the motivation you need from your managers with regular check-ins or reports. </p>    <p><strong>Ideal careers: </strong>Cancers make natural childcare workers and nannies, but they also make amazing social workers, human resource employees, lawyers, teachers, and executives. Healthcare and wellness are also important and vital parts of this sign, so anything in those arenas—like being a dietitian or nutritionist—are right up your alley. </p>
Design by Katja Cho

Een kreeft zorgt het liefst voor anderen. De Kreeft wil graag wat bijdragen aan de maatschappij. Als de Kreeft eenmaal haar roeping heeft gevonden, dan zet zij zich daar honderd procent voor in. Een Kreeft wil dan ook een baan waar hij voldoening uithaalt.

Ideale baan: docent op een basisschool.

Leeuw (23 juli - 22 augustus)

<p>Leos love exposure and attention—but not always in a "look at me" kind of way—you just love inspiring others to be the best. Teaching and politics are natural fits for the lion, and they are some of the best bosses—once they win over their team, that is. (Leos have a tendency to be high-maintenance and can often disrupt team environments, but you usually win everyone over at the end with their charm and good nature.)</p><p><strong>Ideal careers:</strong> As mentioned, teaching and politics are a great fit for you, while anything having to do with entertaining others—such as acting, music, movie work, or even costume design—can also pique your interest. They also make magnetic leaders, so CEO and directors aren't far off for the Leo.
Design by Katja Cho

De Leeuw staat graag in de schijnwerpers en laat zeker weten van zich horen. Een Leeuw is grappig, communicatief vaardig en ze houdt niet van verliezen. Dat geldt niet alleen voor haarzelf, ze ziet anderen ook niet graag verliezen: de Leeuw is dan ook een ster in het motiveren van de mensen om haar heen.

Ideale baan: advocaat.

Maagd (23 augustus - 22 september)

<p>Virgo—ever the perfectionist and ever at the service of others. A natural follower, you're compassionate and considerate and you take direction well. As a boss, you're practical and protective, while demanding the best from others. You have a tendency to be hard on yourself—harder than anyone else—so you need to be reminded by others not to get lost in the details every once in awhile. You're basically the ideal employee.</p>    <p> <strong>Ideal careers: </strong>Virgos have amazing memories and their perfectionism means they deal well with mass amounts of information and know what to do when emotions run high. They do extremely well in the service and care industries—as servers, running shops, working the front desk, and as therapists—while they also excel at anything that requires mass amounts of research or stats—think fact-checker and editor, technician, translator, or detective. </p>
Design by Katja Cho

De Maagd is een harde werker en kan zich goed concentreren. De Maagd heeft oog voor detail, maar is hierdoor ook snel te perfectionistisch. Aan de Maagd heb je hoe dan ook een hele goede: ze zoekt alles voor je tot op de bodem uit en werkt daarin met veel precisie en geduld.

Ideale baan: arts.

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Weegschalen (23 september - 22 oktober 22)

<p>Libras are social and adept at bringing people together so you're a great mediator in and out of the office. The sign of "balance", reading people and understanding people's motivations comes naturally to you, and you can often use this to your advantage in any job or career field—think diplomat, assistant, translator, broker, sales person, etc.</p>    <p><strong>Ideal careers:  </strong>Represented by the scales of justice, law enforcement and justice are natural fits for you. You're a people person at heart, so working with others is crucial to your happiness—think hospitality, customer service, diplomats, travel agents, and even a wedding planner. <strong></strong></p>
Design by Katja Cho

Bij de Weegschaal draait alles om het behouden van de balans. Zowel op privé- als op carrièregebied doet de Weegschaal er alles aan om iedereen gelukkig te houden. Dat kan een valkuil zijn, maar het is tegelijkertijd juist de sterke kant van de Weegschaal. De Weegschaal kan mensen namelijk goed inschatten en ze hierdoor bieden wat ze nodig hebben.

Ideale baan: makelaar.

Schorpioen (23 oktober - 21 november)

<p>"No one can keep a secret quite as well as you, Scorpio, and that's something you can use in your career, as you are placed in positions that require discretion," says Fox. "You thrive in the midst of intelligence organizations, top-level or secret negotiations or handling confidential papers or very expensive goods." You also love a challenge and to investigate, and you're intensity is legendary, which can work in a variety of fields but definitely lend themselves best to things that would repel others—think surgery or medicine or being first on the crime scene as a forensic detective.</p>    <p><strong>Ideal careers:</strong> As mentioned, you would be at home in the surgery room or as a secret agent, as well as working in crisis management (things that need a high level of secrecy) like a real-life Olivia Pope. You're also great with resource management and logistics, and would make an outstanding chief financial officer. </p>
Design by Katja Cho

Als de Schorpioen een doel heeft, dan gaat zij daar volledig voor. In het bereiken van dat doel weet de Schorpioen instinctief de juiste stappen te ondernemen, waardoor Schorpioenen al snel in hoge functies belanden. Daar zijn ze niet alleen individueel heel sterk: de Schorpioen is ook een echte teamplayer.

Ideale baan: manager.

Deze eigenschappen heb je nodig voor een managersfunctie >

Boogschutter (22 november - 21 december)

<p>Sagittarius have a knack for conversing with others, inspiring morale, working hard as team player, adapting to change, and encouraging others to enjoy the jobs that they do. Translation? You're kind of good at everything when it comes to working. Many careers will fit the bill for you—as long as you're not restricted by hierarchy and too many rules.</p><p><strong>Ideal careers:</strong> You love to travel and learn from others in every part of the world, so any job related to the travel industry is a good one, as is any job that has travel as a big part of the job—think consulting or tourism. Since you love inspiring others, you're also great as a teacher, youth program leader, or working for a non-profit.
Design by Katja Cho

Voor de Boogschutter kunnen regels en hiërarchie al snel irritatie opwekken. De Boogschutter werkt wel graag met mensen samen, maar alleen wanneer zij haar als hun gelijke zien. De Boogschutter houdt van afwisseling en is niet bang om risico's te nemen.

Ideale baan: politieagent.

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Steenbok (22 december - 19 januari)

<p>Capricorns are serious, pragmatic, and organized—but definitely not boring. You have the charisma and enthusiasm to lead a team. You're not intimidated or annoyed by authority—you know that with hard work, ambition, and commitment, you too can be at the top. Which is, generally, your ultimate goal, no matter where you land. Just be careful to make time for other pursuits—Capricorns are notorious workaholics.</p>    <p><strong>Ideal careers: </strong>Capricorns run a tight ship, so they're great at being a manager or administrator for a number of career paths or companies. Your production and administrative skills are some of the best, and you work well in corporate environments with set hierarchies that let you "achieve" the next rung on the ladder. You also make great engineers, architects, and design-adjacent employees, as you're one for details. </p>
Design by Katja Cho

De Steenbok is een echte workaholic. Een Steenbok is ambitieus en werkt graag hard om uiteindelijk van anderen erkenning te krijgen. Omdat de Steenbok zo'n harde werker is, wil zij wel iets doen waar ze een passie voor heeft.

Ideale baan: politicus.

Waterman (20 januari - 18 februari)

<p>Aquarians are true, free spirits. But don't mistake this for flighty workers—they're hardworking, albeit with an out-of-the-box attitude (i.e. you will tackle a project in the middle of the night if you can't sleep, only to want to nap in the middle of the day because you already "did the work"). You're social but also kind of a loner, making you adept at handling team assignments as well as working on your own. You tend to come up with ideas that at first thought are "wacky" before being deemed "brilliant", and you tend to never state the "obvious"—which make you bad in project discussions, since you're 2 steps ahead of everyone else.  Take it from Fox: "Your unusual methods can be quite appealing to those who enjoy being near your personal brand of creative genius." Meaning, not everyone is going to "get" you.  </p><p><strong>Ideal careers: </strong>Science or tech (if you can explore new theories or applications), graphic design or photography, and even project management—if you get to explore new ways of doing something. You're also an ideal entrepreneur or independent contractor, as you rebel against corporate culture and work best on your own schedule.
Design by Katja Cho

De Waterman is een bevlogen werker vol met ideeën voor de toekomst. De Waterman is sociaal en is in staat haar collega's mee trekken in zijn enthousiasme. Om haar ideeën uit te kunnen voeren werkt ze hard, maar soms iets té hard.

Ideale baan: ondernemer.

Vissen (19 februari - 20 maart)

<p>Pisces are as flexible as they come when it comes to the workforce—you're not concerned about proving yourself to others, you're only concerned with doing the best you can. You can navigate a number of professions, but are generally happiest when you find a job that caters to your sensitive, healing side. You're compassionate and highly intuitive—making you great in areas that are both healing and restorative, like the arts and medicine.</p>    <p><strong>Ideal careers:</strong> Anything having to do with healthcare—where you can heal others—is an ideal fit. Think nurse, doctor, physical therapist, psychologist, etc. You also thrive in the arts, like dance and music. (Many combine these traits, such as becoming a color therapist or working in arts programs that help troubled teens.) </p>
Design by Katja Cho

De Vissen zijn echte creatievelingen. Ze zitten vol met ideeën waar ze oneindig over kunnen dromen. Mede door die creativiteit zijn Vissen vaak gevoelig: een baan waar voor hun gevoel te veel van ze wordt verwacht is dan ook niet geschikt.

Ideale baan: kunstenaar.

Nieuwe werkdag? Zo begin je 'm het beste >

Meer leesvoer? Bazaars nieuwe Zomernummer, met een geïllustreerde cover door de Britse topillustrator, Alex Merry (o.a. Gucci), is nu online te bestellen. Met het thema Geloof, Hoop en Liefde! Bestel ‘m nu los voor maar €6,99 en win een prachtboeket van bloomon. Of kies voor 7x Harper's Bazaar + een CLUSE-horloge voor maar €49,99, om geen editie meer te missen.

Van: Marie Claire US
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