Amy Schumer heeft spijt, Diepe, diepe spijt, na haar optreden in Tampa, waar zeker 200 gasten de zaal verlieten omdat ze het niet eens waren met de politieke grappen van de comedian.

Is ook raar, natuurlijk, een comedian die over politiek praat. Want de verkiezingsstrijd tussen Donald Trump en Hillary Clinton is er natuurlijk ook één waar geen grap over te maken valt.


Dat vindt Amy Schumer nou ook, en dus kwam ze met een 'excuus', tijdens haar optreden in New York:

"Dearest Tampa, I'm sorry you didn't want me, a comedian who talks about what she believes in, to mention the biggest thing going on in our country right now. How could I think it was okay to spend five minutes having a peaceful conversation with someone with different views? After the show, I want you to know that I will go straight to a rehab facility that will teach me how to make all people happy. Both the rich, entitled, white people who are gonna vote for him and the very poor people who've been tricked into it! And Tampa, I am so sorry. I shouldn't have said that he was an orange, sexually-assaulting, fake-college-starting monster. Shouldn't have said it. I will never again say that he is an orange, sexually-assaulting, fake-college-starting monster!"
