Dat Emma Watson stijl heeft, daarover kunnen we het met z'n allen eens zijn. Dat ze ook nog oog heeft voor haar omgeving, en dus vaak woorden als sustainable en eco-friendly laat vallen in gesprekken over mode, en haar kleerkast voorzag van een grondige (ethische) schoonmaak, daarvoor nemen we onze pet af.

Aan Coveteur liet Watson haar ecologisch verantwoorde garderobe zien. En, nou ja, daar willen we best even naar kijken:

Clothes hanger, Closet, Room, Wardrobe, Fashion, Boutique, Furniture, Outlet store, Outerwear, pinterest
Footwear, Product, Brown, Style, Shoe store, Tan, Collection, Retail, Carmine, Fashion, pinterest
Bag, Luggage and bags, Shoe store, Recipe, Shoulder bag, Collection, Handbag, Sandal, Retail, Selling, pinterest

'Becoming conscious about dressing has been incredibly liberating in a funny way,' aldus de actrice. 'It's narrowed my options so much, I'm so much more creative. I actually really think it's helped me dress better because I have less, but they're things that are perfect.'

'I think so much more carefully about what I buy, and I buy less because I edit so carefully,' vertelt Watson. 'I'm tending to shop online a lot more; I use Instagram [to shop] a lot more than I used to, because I find lots of brands through it. I would often find I was going into stores and feel like, "Oh, I've only got an hour, I need to buy something, this isn't what I came in for but it's here, so I'll purchase it." I never do that now.'